
How Long To Get Us Passport

If you are overseas and your passport expired on or after January 1, 2020, you may be able to use your expired passport to return directly to the United States until December 31, 2021.

Youqualify for this exception ifall the following are true:

  • You are a U.S. citizen.
  • You are currently abroad seeking direct return to the United States.
  • You are flying directly to the United States, a United States territory, or have only short-term transit ("connecting flights") through a foreign country on your direct return to the United States or to a United States Territory.
  • Your expired passport was originally valid for 10 years.  Or, if you were 15 years of age or younger when the passport was issued, your expired passport was valid for 5 years.
  • Your expired passport is undamaged.
  • Your expired passport is unaltered.
  • Your expired passport is in your possession.

Youdo not qualify for this exception if:

  • You wish to departfrom the United States to an international destination.
  • You are currently abroad seeking to travel to a foreign country for any length of stay longer than an airport connection en route to the United States or to a United States territory.
  • Your expired passport was limited in validity.
  • Your expired passport is a special issuance passport (such as a diplomatic, official, service, or no-fee regular passport).
  • Your expired passport is damaged.
  • Your expired passport is altered.
  • Your expired passport is not in your possession.

All other passport rules and regulations remain in effect.  The Department of Homeland Security maintains discretion to reject any bearer in accordance with 22 CFR 53.2(b)(7) and 8 CFR 235.1(b).

Important Notice:Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices.  Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

U.S. citizens in Indonesia should renew their passports at the U.S. Embassy Jakarta or the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya or the Consular Agency in Bali.

Please do not mail your application to a passport agency in the United States.

You Must Apply in Person If:

  • You are applying for yourfirst U. S. passport –link 'Applicants age 16 and Above'
  • You areunder age 16-link 'Applicants age Below 16'
  • Your previous U.S. passport was issued when you wereunder age 16-link 'Applicant age 16 and above'
  • Your previous U.S. passport waslost or stolen– link 'Lost or Stolen Passports'
  • Your previous U.S. passport was damaged-link 'Mutilated Passport'
  • Your previous U.S. passport was issuedmore than 15 years ago-link 'Applicant age 16 and above'
  • Your name has changed since your U.S. passport was issued-link 'Change or correct a passport'
  • You are applying for a second passport-link 'Second passport'

If you are not on the above categories, and/or you currently holding a full-validity (ten years validity) passport, please:

Book anappointment using our online service. Please schedule a different appointment for each person renewing their passport.

Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy.

Use form DS-82 (PDF 85KB), and make sure you:

  • Checked your choice of: U.S. Passport Book, U.S. Passport Card, or Both
  • Completed full name matches your previous passport
  • Social Security number is included
  • Email address is listed and can be easily read
  • Fill in your mailing address with your local Indonesian address, and permanent address on page 2 with your U.S. address.
  • A local Indonesian phone number is provided
  • On line #9, all other names used since birth (typically a maiden name or previous married name) are listed regardless of whether they have appeared on previous passports
  • A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses.  See details of passport photo here
  • Signed and dated the application.

You may come in personally or send your representative.

On the day of your appointment, come with:

  • Appointment confirmation page
  • Your completed and signed your DS 82 form
  • A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport.You must not be wearing glasses.See details of passport photo here
  • Your original current U.S. passport
  • Payment: We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash and credit card. Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. Credit cards will be charged in U.S. dollars–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express.  The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip – Debit cards are not accepted and there is no ATM in the Embassy/Consulate/Consular Agency. We do not accept U.S. dollar cash. There is no expediting service available overseas/outside the United States.
  • Pre-paid return envelope (only if choosing to receive your new passport via mail, see below for further details)

Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.

Delivering new passports by RPX courier: To save the time and expense of returning to the U.S. Embassy/Consulate/Consular Agency to pick up your new passport, you now have the option to receive your new passport via RPX mail. If you would like to receive your passport by mail, bring a self-addressed RPX envelope, pre-paid for the weight of 130 grams, to your passport appointment. You may purchase this return envelope at any of the RPX offices listed below, by referencing shipping account number758053751 and paying for sufficient postage for delivery from Jakarta (for appointments at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta) or from Surabaya (for appointments at the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya and the U.S. Consular Agency in Bali). For passport renewals, the applicant will need to leave their current passport at the U.S. Embassy/Consulate/Consular Agency, so that it can be voided upon receipt of the new passport. The voided passport will then be returned with the new passport. Please ensure you have photocopies of your bio page and all necessary visas prior to dropping off your passport at the embassy. You will not be able to retrieve your passport during this process, so please assess whether you can be without your current passport for 2-4 weeks.

The attached locations (PDF – 519 KB) have a participating RPX office and can be reached at the address and phone number provided.

If you are sending your representative, addition to the above-mentioned items, he/she also needs to bring:

  • His/her valid photo ID mentioned on your authorization letter
  • Your authorization letter with the following details:

Your full name: ___________________________________________________,
U.S. passport #:  __________________________________________________,
Authorize (name of your representative):  ______________________________,
Your representative's valid photo ID (KTP/driver's license/passport) # _______,
to submit my passport renewal and pay for the processing fee on my behalf.

Date and your signature: _____________________________ .

When you arrive at the U.S. Embassy Jakarta/U.S. Consulate General Surabaya/Consular Agency Bali, please follow the security guard's instructions. Please ask the guard if you should be given a queue number or what is the available queue system.

Emergency Limited Validity Passports

Limited validity passports valid for no more than one year may be issued under special circumstances at the discretion of the consular officer, usually within one business day.  The validity of U.S. passports cannot be extended, and pages cannot be added to passport books.

Emergency Limited validity passports cannot be used to enter Indonesia.

U.S. citizens who hold limited validity passports are encouraged to obtain a full validity passport at their earliest possible time to avoid getting caught in a situation that require them to travel at very short notice.

Applicants age 16 and Above

Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices. Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

First Adult Passports: For individuals 16 years or older applying for their first full validity passport. Minors under the age of 18 should be accompanied by at least one parent.

Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy.

Book an appointment using our online service.

On the day of your appointment, come to the Embassy with:

  1. A completed but unsigned form DS-11 (PDF 97KB)
    • Check your choice of: U.S. Passport Book, U.S. Passport Card, or Both
    • Completed full name matches your previous passport
    • Social Security number is included
    • Email address is listed and can be easily read
    • A local Indonesian phone number is provided
    • Fill in your mailing address with your local Indonesian address, and permanent address on
    page 2 with your U.S. address.
    • Fill out parents information completely including place and date of birth and citizenship
    • Fill out the emergency contact of the person who is not traveling with you-can be family or
    friends or employee
  2. Your current passport and one photocopy of the biographic page with signature page on the same page.
  3. An original and a good copy of the applicant's U.S. birth certificate/consular report of birth abroad.
  4. Marriage Certificate or Court Order (original and one copy) – if your current name is different from what was recorded in your most recent U.S. passport.
  5. A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses. See details of passport photo here.
  6. One or more of the following items containing your personal information with your signature and a recent photograph that clearly bears an identifiable resemblance of you, with one good copy of them:
    • Valid foreign passport;
    • Valid driver's license;
    • Valid government identification card.
  7. Payment: We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash and credit card. Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. Credit card will be charge in U.S. dollars–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express. The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip – Debit cards are not accepted and there is no ATM in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollars cash.
    There is no expediting service available overseas/outside the United States.
    Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.
  8. Progression photos of the applicant (one each year since the current passport issued)

Applicants age Below 16

Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices. Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy.

For children and minors under the age of 16, both parents and applicant(s) must be present at the Embassy during the application appointment.

Book an appointment using our online service. On the day of your child's appointment, both parents and the child must come to the Embassy with:

  1. A completed but unsigned form DS-11 (PDF 97KB).
    • Check your choice of: U.S. Passport Book, U.S. Passport Card, or Both
    • Completed full name matches your previous passport
    • Social Security number is included
    • Email address is listed and can be easily read
    • A local Indonesian phone number is provided
    • Fill in your mailing address with your local Indonesian address, and permanent address on
    page 2 with your U.S. address.
    • Fill out parents information completely including place and date of birth and citizenship
    • Fill out the emergency contact of the person who is not traveling with you-can be family or
    friends or employee
  2. Passports (of the child and both parents) along with a copy of each biographic page for each passport and signature page on the same page.
  3. A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses. See details of passport photo here.
  4. An original and a good copy of the child's U.S. birth certificate/consular report of birth abroad.
  5. Progression photos of the child (one each year since the current passport issued)
  6. Payment: Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash. Credit card will be charge in U.S. dollars–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express. The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip. Debit cards are not accepted and there are no ATMs in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollars cash. Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.
  7. If one of the parents cannot be present at the same time, the applying parent should present an original signed and notarized DS-3053 (PDF 51KB) along with a copy of the non-present parent's identification used in the DS-3053. (This must be notarized by a licensed notary public in the United States or at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. Indonesian notaries are not accepted.)
  8. If both parents are not able to be present at the appointment time, the applying guardian should:
    – present an original signed and notarized DS-3053 (PDF 51KB) along with a copy of the non-
    present parent's identification used in the DS-3053 for EACH of BOTH parents. (This must be notarized by a licensed notary public in the United States or at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. Indonesian notaries are not accepted.)
    – a power of attorney signed by BOTH parents, assigning the guardian to submit the application and come with the child to the U.S. Embassy Jakarta or U.S. Consulate General Surabaya.Your child's current passport will be returned to you at the end of the appointment.

Extra Visa Pages Discontinued

New parents normally apply for a child's Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) and U.S. passport at the same time. For information about the process, please see Birth of a U.S. Citizen.

Lost or Stolen Passports

Important Notice: Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices. Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

If your U.S. passport was lost or stolen, please contact one of the American citizen services offices below:

U.S. Embassy in Jakarta
Address: Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5. Jakarta Pusat10110
Tel.: 021-50831000 ext. 0 (operator); E-mail:
U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya
Address: Jalan Citra Raya Niaga No. 2, Surabaya 60217
Tel.: 031-2975300; E-mail:
U.S. Consular Agency in Denpasar, Bali
Address: Jalan Hayam Wuruk 310, Denpasar, Bali 80235
Tel.: 0361-233605, After Hours Emergencies: (081) 133-4183; E-mail:

Report the Theft or Loss to the Indonesian Police. Before you can have the passport replaced, you must also report the theft or loss to the Indonesian Police and obtain a copy of the report that they prepare.

On the day of your appointment, come to the Embassy on the given day and time with:

  1. A completed but unsigned form DS-11 (PDF 98KB)
    • Check your choice of: U.S. Passport Book, U.S. Passport Card, or Both
    • Completed full name matches your previous passport
    • Social Security number is included
    • Email address is listed and can be easily read
    • A local Indonesian phone number is provided
    • Fill in your mailing address with your local Indonesian address, and permanent address on page 2 with
    your U.S. address.
    • Fill out parents information completely including place and date of birth and citizenship
    • Fill out the emergency contact of the person who is not traveling with you-can be family or friends or employeeFill out and sign form DS-64 (PDF 47KB) – Explain as detail as possible how the passport lost/stolen.
  2. A photocopy of your lost/stolen passport (if any), and/or one of the following items:
    – Previous full validity U.S. passport
    – Certified Birth Record or Consular Report of Birth
    – Naturalization Certificate or Certificate of Citizenship
    – If you are not able to produce documentary proof of U.S. citizenship, the passport officer will interview you and check passport files to determine if you are an American citizen.
  3. A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses. See details of passport photo here.
  4. One or more of the following items containing your personal information with your signature and a recent photograph that clearly bears an identifiable resemblance of you, with one good copy of them:
    – Valid foreign passport;
    – Valid driver's license;
    – Valid government identification card.Additional requirements for children and minors under the age of 16, both parents and applicant(s) must be present at the Embassy during the application appointment, and bring:- Passports of both parents along with a copy of each biographic page for each passport and signature page on the same page.
    – An original and a good copy of the child's U.S. birth certificate/consular report of birth abroad.
    – Progression photos of the child (one each year since the current passport issued)
  5. Payment: Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash. Credit card will be charge in U.S. dollar–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express. The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip – Debit cards are not accepted and there are no ATMs in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollar cash. There is no expediting service overseas/outside the U.S. Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.
  6. If one of the parents cannot be present at the same time, the applying parent should present an original signed and notarized DS-3053 (PDF 51KB) along with a copy of the non-present parent's identification used in the DS-3053.
  7. If both parents are not able to be present at the appointment time, the applying guardian should: — present an original signed and notarized DS-3053 (PDF 51KB) along with a copy of the non- present parents's identification used in the DS-3053 for EACH of BOTH parents
    – a power of attorney signed by BOTH parents, assigning the guardian to submit the application and come with the child to the U.S. Embassy Jakarta or U.S. Consulate General Surabaya.
  8. Payment: Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash. Credit card will be charge in U.S. dollar–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express – Debit cards are not accepted and there are no ATMs in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollar cash. There is no expediting service overseas/outside the U.S. Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.
  9. Any proof of your arrival flights (boarding passes, used ticket) will help the Indonesian Immigration to replace your entry stamp after you received your replacement passport.

Mutilated Passports

Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices.  Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy or Consulate.

Book an appointment using our online service.  Please schedule a different appointment for each person replacing their passport.

If your full validity passport (ten years validity) has been mutilated/damaged, on the day of your appointment, come to the Embassy with:

  1. A completed but unsigned form DS-11 (PDF 97KB)
     Check your choice of: U.S. Passport Book, U.S. Passport Card, or Both
     Completed full name matches your previous passport
     Social Security number is included
     Email address is listed and can be easily read
     A local Indonesian phone number is provided
     Fill in your mailing address with your local Indonesian address, and permanent address on page 2 with your U.S. address.
     Fill out parents' information completely including place and date of birth and citizenship
     Fill out the emergency contact of the person who is not traveling with you-can be family or friends or employee
  1. Your current mutilated / damage passport.
  1. Prepared affidavit / statement explaining the circumstances under which the damage occurred. Do not sign the affidavit / statement as you will be asked to take an oath and sign in the presence of the consular staff.
  1. A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses. See details of passport photo here
  1. One or more of the following items containing your personal information with your signature and a recent photograph that clearly bears an identifiable resemblance of you, with one good copy of them:
  • Valid  foreign passport;
  • Valid driver's license;
  • Valid government identification card.

For children and minors under the age of 16, both parents and applicant(s) must be present at the Embassy during the application appointment.

  1. Payment: Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash.  Credit card will be charge in U.S. dollars–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express.  The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip.  Debit cards are not accepted and there are no ATMs in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollars cash. There is no expediting service overseas/outside the United States. Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.

For children and minors under the age of 16, both parents and applicant(s) must be present at the Embassy during the application appointment.

Book an appointment using our online service.  On the day of your child's appointment, both parents and the child must come to the Embassy with:

  1. A completed but unsigned form DS-11(PDF 97KB).
  1. Your child's current mutilated / damage passport.
  1. One of the parents must prepare an affidavit / statement explaining the circumstances under which the damage occurred. Do not sign the affidavit / statement as you will be asked to take an oath and sign in the presence of the consular staff.
  1. Both parents' passport / valid photo ID, along with a copy of each biographic page for each passport and signature page on the same page.
  1. The child's 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses. See details of passport photo
  1. An original and a good copy of the child's U.S. birth certificate/consular report of birth abroad.
  1. Progression photos of the child (one each year since the current passport issued)
  1. If one of the parents cannot be present at the same time, the applying parent should present an original signed and notarized DS-3053(PDF 51KB) along with a copy of the non-present parent's identification used in the DS-3053.  (This must be notarized by a licensed notary public in the United States or at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad.  Indonesian notaries are not accepted.)
  1. If both parents are not able to be present at the appointment time, the applying guardian should: — present an original signed and notarized DS-3053(PDF 51KB) along with a copy of the non-present parent's identification used in the DS-3053 for EACH of BOTH parents,  (This must be notarized by a licensed notary public in the United States or at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad.  Indonesian notaries are not accepted.)- a power of attorney signed by BOTH parents, assigning the guardian to submit the application and come with the child to the U.S. Embassy Jakarta or U.S. Consulate General Surabaya.
  1. Payment: Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash. Credit card will be charge in U.S. dollars–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express.  The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip. Debit cards are not accepted and there are no ATMs in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollar cash.  There is no expediting service overseas/outside the United States.  Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.

Replacement Emergency

Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices.  Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

U.S. citizens in Indonesia should replace your limited emergency U.S passport with a full-validity passport at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta or U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya.  Pleasedo not mail your application to a passport agency in the United States.

Save time. Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy.

If you have a limited emergency passport that is valid for a year or less, you should replace it will a full-validity passport. The replacement will be done at no additional charge if you request it before the emergency passport expires.

If the emergency passport belongs to a child under 16, only one parent needs to appear, and the child does not need to come.

If the emergency passport belongs to an adult, the individual must come in person.  No one can submit this for you.

Book anappointment using our online service. Please schedule a different appointment for each person renewing their passport.

Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy.

Use form DS-5504 and make sure you:

  • Completed full name matches your previous passport
  • Social Security number is included
  • Email address is listed and can be easily read
  • Fill in your mailing address with your local Indonesian address, and permanent address on page 2 with your U.S. address.
  • A local Indonesian phone number is provided
  • On line #9, all other names used since birth (typically a maiden name or previous married name) are listed regardless of whether they have appeared on previous passports

On the day of your appointment, come with:

  • Appointment confirmation page
  • Your completed DS 5504 form
  • A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses. See details of passport photo here.
  • Your original, current, limited emergency U.S. passport
  • No fee required unlessyou request your replacement of an emergency passport after it has already expired.  In this case, you must pay the full fee again with the submission of the DS-82 for adults and DS-11 for children under age 16.  All appropriate fees must be paid before passport applications are accepted.
  • Payment: Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash.  Credit card will be charged in U.S. dollar–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express.  The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip – Debit cards are not accepted and there are no ATMs in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollar cash. Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.

Change or correct a passport

Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices.  Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

Please see the option for your passport here

Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy.

Book an appointment using our online service.

Payment:  We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash and credit card.  Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. Credit card will be charge in U.S. dollar–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express.  The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip – Debit cards are not accepted and there is no ATM in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollar cash. There is no expediting service available overseas/outside the U.S.

Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.

Second Passports

Important Notice: Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices.  Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

U.S. citizens in Indonesia should renew their passports at the U.S. Embassy Jakarta or the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya or the Bali Consular Agency.

Please do not mail your application to a passport agency in the United States.

Save time. Complete your passport application online before coming to the Embassy.

According to the longstanding policy of the Department of State, no U.S. citizen should be issued more than one valid U.S. passport except under exceptional circumstances specifically authorized by the Department. Applications for second passports are reviewed by Department of State officials in Washington D.C. on a case-by-case basis. If second passport applications are not approved, the application fee is forfeited. No refunds are available. Unlike regular U.S. passports which are valid for ten years, second passports are only valid for two years.

How to apply for a second passport

Book anappointment using our online service. Please schedule a different appointment for each person renewing their passport.

Complete and print your passport application form before coming to the Embassy.

Use form DS-82 (PDF 85KB), and make sure:

  • Completed full name matches your previous passport
  • Social Security number is included
  • Email address is listed and can be easily read
  • Fill in your mailing address with your local Indonesian address, and permanent address on page 2 with your U.S. address.
  • A local Indonesian phone number is provided
  • On line #9, all other names used since birth (typically a maiden name or previous married name) are listed regardless of whether they have appeared on previous passports
  • A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses.  See details of passport photo here
  • Signed and dated the application.

On the day of your appointment, come with:

  • Appointment confirmation page
  • Your completed and signed your DS 82 form
  • A 2"x2" photo is included that was taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses. See details of passport photo here.
  • Your original current U.S. passport
  • An official company letter on company letterhead providing a detailed description of the applicant's need for a second passport, specifically addressing the following points:

>Job title of the applicant and why that position requires frequent international travel;

>The destinations to which the applicant will be traveling as well as the duration and frequency of those travels;

>Examples of restrictive entry policies, short visa validity periods, or prolonged delays in foreign visa processing that prohibit the applicant from traveling as needed for his/her duties.

>Signed by an authorized representative of the company listing the full name and title of the signor.

  • A written statement from the applicant stating why he/she needs a second passport and providing specific examples of how restrictive entry policies, short visa validity periods, or prolonged delays in foreign visa processing have caused or could cause him/her professional or personal hardship. The letter should also contain the three statements below:

>I am requesting the issuance of a second passport to facilitate my travel to the countries listed on my passport application and in this letter.

>I understand that a second passport will be limited to a maximum of two years validity and that I may reapply at the end of that period if my need to travel to the aforementioned countries continues.

>Should either of my two passports be lost or stolen, I will report immediately the circumstances of the loss to Passport Services, or if abroad, to the nearest U.S. embassy, consulate, or consular agency.

  • Payment: Applicants should consider bringing Indonesian Rupiah cash in case credit card payment is not available. We accept Indonesian Rupiah cash.  Credit cards will be charged in U.S. dollars–Master Card, Visa Card, or American Express.  The owner of the credit card must be present to sign the authorization slip – Debit cards are not accepted and there are no ATMs in the Embassy. We do not accept U.S. dollar cash. There is no expediting service overseas/outside the U.S.  Fees can be found by visiting the Bureau of Consular Affairs' Passport Fees website.
  • Collection: If your second passport application is deemed complete by the interviewing consular officer, your application will be sent to the Department of State for review. You will be notified in approximately two weeks from the date of submission whether or not your application has been approved. If approved, you will be instructed on how to collect your passport at the Embassy. Expedited passport processing is not available. Please schedule travel plans accordingly.
  • Collection times: Monday – Friday 12:30 – 14:30
  • No collection on public holidays, or on other administrative closures. Don't waste a trip! Reply to the email notification you received from or or check the Embassy website for Indonesian and U.S. holiday list.

When you arrive at the U.S. Embassy Jakarta/U.S. Consulate General Surabaya, please follow the security guard's instructions. Please ask the guard if you should be given a queue number or what is the available queue system.

Passport Frequently Asked Questions

I need to travel urgently, but my passport is not valid. Can I get an emergency passport?

If you do not have a valid U.S. passport and have an urgent need to travel, the Embassy in Jakarta / Consulate General in Surabaya may be able to issue a limited-validity emergency passport under very specific and limited circumstances.Failure to plan adequately ahead for business or personal travel does not constitute an emergency.

If you believe you have qualifying circumstances and have attempted to schedule an appointment but have found there were no more slots available, please send us an e-mail to or  Please include the following:

  • Name and Contact Information;
  • A description of your situation
  • Your paid air ticket

We will reply to you as soon as we can.  We will not be able to accommodate all requests, therefore, it is imperative that you plan well in advance of your trips.

My passport has less than six months validity left, but I need to travel urgently. Can I get my passport Extended?

We are not able to extend passports. If your passport has less than six months validity, you will need to apply for a new passport. Please refer to the information posted on our website.

When can I collect my passport?

Once you received an email notification from email: or, you can reply that email to inform us when you would like to come in to collect your new passport.

If it has been more than two weeks after you submitted your application, but you have not receive any notification, please email us at or .

You may delegate someone to pick up the passport on your behalf once it is ready, by writing an authorization letter   He/she must bring:

  • The collection/authorization slip or letter
  • A valid government issued photo ID
  • Your current passport, which we will cancel and return same day

If there are any doubts regarding the validity of the authorization letter, the applicant will have to come to pick up his/her passport.

Minor passports must be picked up by one of their parents or legal guardians.  The minor applicant does not need to return to the Embassy.

Can I get my passport photo taken at the Embassy?

There is no photo booth available at the Embassy or Consulate.  You can go to any photo studios.  However, please make sure the photo is a 2"x2" size, taken within the last 6 months and has not been used in another U.S. passport. You must not be wearing glasses.  See details of passport photo here.

Must I provide a social security number on the passport application?

You are required to provide your SSN, if you have one, when you apply for or renew a U.S. passport. If you have not been issued a SSN, write zeros in box # 5 of the passport application form you are completing. To apply for a SSN please refer to the information here. If you have a number, but do not remember it, contact the regional office in Manila and request that they email your SSN to our ACS office in Jakarta or Surabaya.

If you fail to provide the information, you are subject to a $500 penalty enforced by the IRS. All questions on this matter should be directed to the nearest IRS office.

May I have someone else submit a passport renewal application for me?

If you are renewing a ten-year validity passport that has not yet expired or expired less than two years ago, and your name has not changed, you may send another person to the Embassy/Consulate to file the application for you.

If you do this, provide this person with a signed letter of authorization stating that you permit them to file a passport application on your behalf. You must sign the DS-82 form yourself; no proxy is allowed. Please note that if the passport official has any question about your eligibility for a U.S. passport, you will be required to appear in person.

If your prior passport expired more than two years ago, you must appear in person.

I reported to the Embassy that my passport was lost, but then I recovered it. May I use it to travel?

Once a passport is reported lost or stolen to the Embassy, it is immediately and automatically cancelled to prevent malafide travelers from using it. Even if you recover your passport, it must be replaced, as you will experience significant problems if you attempt to use it to travel.

Processing time

Important Notice: Applicants coming to the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy cannot bring large personal electronic devices to the Embassy. Those items include but are not limited to: laptops, iPads, and other tablet devices, or handheld gaming devices.  Effective immediately, the Embassy Local Guard Force cannot store laptops and large electronic devices for customers. Please make arrangements to leave large devices elsewhere before arriving at the U.S. Embassy to avoid inconveniences.

U.S. passports are issued in the United States even though applications are accepted and approved here at the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia or U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya.

The processing time for passport book applications submitted and approved at this office is typically ten days to two weeks and four weeks for passport card.

You will receive email notification once your new passport book and/or card arrived.  Please reply to the email with the date you can come in to collect your passport.

If you have not received any notification, please email the office where you applied for your passport and give the applicant's full name:

U.S. Embassy Jakarta:

U.S. Consulate General Surabaya:

When the new passport is collected, applicants must submit their current passport for cancellation. The cancelled passport will then be returned at the same time with the new passport.

Applicants must be able to pick up their new passports personally or authorize a representative in writing to do so.  Applicants of adult / first adult passport should issue an authorization letter, if he/she sending his/her representative to pick up the applicant's new passport – even if the representative is one of the parents.

We do not mail passports to applicants, and we are required to cancel the current passport before we release the new passport.

Applicants are strongly advised not to make irreversible travel plans until they have their passports in hand.

How Long To Get Us Passport


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